Thursday, 31 March 2011

On the way home

Just a snap of a Kentish orchard on the way home - we had to come the country way because the other way was snarled up with traffic. It was very pretty this way!

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Friday, 25 March 2011

EMZ for DZ

This was the shot for tonight - one of EMZ and Bram!
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Thursday, 24 March 2011


I had several pictures of the garden tonight - I chose this one because of the aeroplane trail overhead. I wish...
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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Two of the sunny garden

I had the morning off today to catch up on some reports post-Ofsted. The sun was shining so I went into the garden and snapped away before rushing off to school. I really like the one of the bird box on the post overlooking the garden. All the others made me feel all the joys of spring, with summer just around the corner, hence they've all been posted! Even the washing on the line makes me happy!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


I recreated the picture like yesterday's - it's pretty much the same which sums up the fact that this evening's job is pretty much the same as yesterday. Reports.
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Monday, 21 March 2011


Writing reports - I want to get them out of the way so that the weekend is free! No time to look up then!
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Sunday, 20 March 2011

Karen and Nathan

Posted by PicasaChurch lunch together today. We were served with a beautiful roast (pork and beef carvery) cooked by the Abbey staff. No prep or clearing up either!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Evening Events

The first picture was taken on the way to Mandy's 50th birthday party - snapped out of the car window again (you can see the moon too)! The 2nd is Mandy blowing out the candles and the 3rd is the big fat moon (pic doesn't do it justice) taken outside the front door on our return home at 11.45pm.
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Friday, 18 March 2011


It's lovely to be home tonight after two days of Ofsted - two days sounds so short but it's very tiring when you don't sleep well and you know that it's so important for the well-being of your school and colleagues. However, I sat in the lounge just now, looked into the garden and felt very thankful that I have so much. We have had a day of Comic Relief events and it made me think of Japan and all the other countries in constant need of our help - all our children paid to be dressed in red, held cake sales, fun assemblies etc. It's been a crazy, crazy week but all in a good cause all round!!
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Thursday, 17 March 2011

Hmmm... Smells Good!

I took this snap of Neil cooking dinner before I disappeared into the office to plan the next Ofsted onslaught - yay! One more day! (I can also see Emma and Bram on the sofa - I hadn't noticed them in the background - and Emma is blowing a kiss while she sits back and watches the chef!) And you can see Karen's reflection too!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Just a little tired now...

Spent a fair amount of time preparing today - I am so glad it's tomorrow and not in 6 weeks time! We are tired but ready!
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Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Good News of the Day

We received the news this morning - they are in Thursday and Friday. Roll on the weekend! (I am now going to do lots of things into the night to make us all shine - I have spent half an hour making this picture!)
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Monday, 14 March 2011

Olympic Launch

It was our school olympic launch day today - 501 days to go (we couldn't launch it tomorrow as too many other things going on). The whole school were out on the field in the colours of their chosen country, waving flags and running around the field one class behind the other. It was a great atmosphere. Above is the lovely Linda again, dressed in Norway's colours and being zany as usual!
Below you can see Julia and Catherine (African countries), Carol (UK), Adam (Canada, his homeland) and Kelly (Brazil).
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Sunday, 13 March 2011


I should be writing reports but I hadn't done my photo so that has taken over for a little while! Might just make a drink now that I have a natural break...
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Saturday, 12 March 2011

Spring Sunshine

I went for a walk with Nigel and Bramble today up at Lorenden Woods - it was a beautiful day and good to know that Spring is here and Summer is still to come! There were loads of daffodils and other Spring flowers, but I liked this one of the sun shining around the tree. I thought I would play with the photo by copying it and making it sepia and black and white. Procrastination from report writing!
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Friday, 11 March 2011

For Gill 2

This harvest spider walked across my desk this morning on its long thin legs - I took lots of photos of it as it ran, played dead and ran some more. He's rather sweet I think!
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Thursday, 10 March 2011

Hands up

Wendy Dawes, our lovely artist friend, was in school this week. She has started the mammoth task of casting every child's hand - it is an interesting process and fun to do! it takes quite some time and you need a lot of patience. These are some that were done yesterday and broken out of their moulds today. It will be quite something when there are 400 in the hall!
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Wednesday, 9 March 2011

It's oh so quiet...

I thought of Mum today when the builders started to lay the path alongside our new build. As you know by now, this is all happening right outside my door and today they needed to cut all the paving slabs to fit in the path they had mapped out (they made it just over two paving slabs wide which meant cutting paving slabs to fit right along the length!) The builders are very friendly (especially this one) but they are SO NOISY!
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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Indian Elephants and Staff

Well, today it was our turn in Year 6 to have a themed day. Here are two pictures; the bottom one is our staff dressed up in their costumes (I particularly like the one of Linda in the middle as she was devouring handfuls of Indian food!). The man on the right is Rahi Bains who has visited every year for the past 11 or 12 years (from his home in Portsmouth) and has become a good friend. He carries out music and story workshops with the children through the day. The photo above is showing some of the clay elephants made by the children (they made one each). I love the expressions!

I was dressed up too but managed to avoid being snapped!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Cute Little Princess

Bram had a lovely walk and found the puddles as usual - we were at Barry and Val's so she had a bath in a proper bath with Radox when we returned! This is the point at which she likes bathtime - when she can fight with the towel and shake water everywhere!
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Saturday, 5 March 2011


I have just arrived home from Emma's hen do - Karen organised a three night stay in this wonderful cottage (it's even better than the pictures show) for Emma and some of her close friends. It is situated in the grounds of Leeds Castle (The Keepers House) and they are taking part in activities such as Go Ape and Segway Riding. We joined them tonight and have had a lovely evening; they are having loads of fun!

Friday, 4 March 2011


I saw this hanging on the wall as I was about to go upstairs, and I remembered the place in America where we bought it and the wonderful time we had there
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