Friday 30 September 2011

Pub lunch

We went out for a pub lunch today and enjoyed sitting in the garden in the glorious sunshine we are having!

Thursday 29 September 2011


Looked out of the window this morning and saw this lovely fox coming down the road - and I had my camera in my hand!
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Wednesday 14 September 2011

Butterflies and Boys

Back in June, Kirsty said Archie and Oscar would like a butterfly farm for their birthday, so that is what I got for them. Tonight I was invited to look at the butterflies that had successfully hatched! They had to send off for the caterpillars using a voucher in the kit, follow the instructions and watch them turn into beautiful butterflies!
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Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Bill McGrory Hall

Our new hall has a name - it is very fitting that it should be named after Bill; he is a great headteacher and cares so much for the school and all the pupils! He was unsure about naming it after him, but the staff insisted!
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Saturday 10 September 2011

Detling Garden Show

It was a lovely sunny day. Mark and Shelley suggested going to the garden show at Detling. Nigel was supposed to be painting the bathroom. Nigel thought for a moment, 'Bathroom, buy plants, bathroom, buy plants?' As you can see, we went to the garden show and plants were bought - amongst quite a lot of other things even though the summer we never had has passed. Skint again. 
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Thursday 8 September 2011