Thursday 30 June 2011

Full bloom

This plant is in full bloom now - worthy of a blog spot!
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Saturday 25 June 2011

Friday 24 June 2011

Greased Lightning

These are superb! Three hardboard cut-out cars all ready for our production of Grease - I have been very happy to be working on this with Grafitti Greg this week! Watch out for the backdrop that is being done at the moment - should be finished next week.
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Thursday 23 June 2011

This is the hand that...

Greg came in and did some grafitti with the children, using a wall on the new building! The animation was caught a frame at a time (as the kids sprayed their hands on the wall). I hope the animation plays on here!

Wednesday 22 June 2011


I came home to discover my cute chest of drawers had flown to Finch Close and now I have this little space...
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Thursday 16 June 2011

Baby wasps

I found this wasp nest in the garden last week while clearing the mess - I took it to school and put it in a tank so that the children could watch them being born. We saw three in school and the nest is now back home so that the rest can be set free... I will be swatting them no doubt, when they ruin my garden parties!

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Swarm of bees

We had a swarm of honey bees in the upper school playground today. They decided the cross bars at the top of one of the pergolas where the children sit was a good place to land. Professional beekeepers had to come to remove them to a place where they could carry on making honey (manuka, I hope). Apparently they are worth a lot of money and they are, of course, protected.
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Saturday 11 June 2011

Tip fodder

Part of a fairly large pile of garden rubbish destined for the tip... so satisfying!
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Wednesday 8 June 2011

Greg and Wendy

Greg and Wendy working in assembly today, casting Bill's hand ready for the big display...
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Tuesday 7 June 2011

Fishy miracle

Well... this is heart warming! The 13 new fish were put into the pond after a few days in the baby bath in the lounge (the protective net has been made to save them from herons). Shortly after they were introduced to their new home it was discovered that there were a lot more fish than had just been put in! It turns out that the first batch of 11 fish had not been eaten after all (well possibly one) and the new ones had coaxed them out of hiding! We think that they had been scared by the seagull/heron and had gone into a very good hiding place. It was amazing to think they were there all the time, as the water was quite clear and we had searched the pond several times! The nicest part of this story is that the new ones had become very friendly because they got used to us when they lived indoors and they have made all the others friendly too! We now have 23 or 24 fishes that come to the surface when we are there! Sweet!
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Sunday 5 June 2011

Fish, take 2

These fish are living temporarily in an old baby bath in our lounge before being put in the new pond. The reason for this is that Nigel is making a framed protective net to go over the pond to save them from being eaten by herons or gulls. We learned this the hard way - these fish have been bought today (Sunday) to replace the 10 (out of 11) that we discovered had been taken from the pond this morning two days after we put them in there. We saw a seagull looking very pleased with his sushi breakfast.
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Friday 3 June 2011

Time for bed

Bramble, sitting in her usual place, waiting for us to say goodnight to friends so that she can get to bed. Come on, it's late..!
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