Tuesday 7 June 2011

Fishy miracle

Well... this is heart warming! The 13 new fish were put into the pond after a few days in the baby bath in the lounge (the protective net has been made to save them from herons). Shortly after they were introduced to their new home it was discovered that there were a lot more fish than had just been put in! It turns out that the first batch of 11 fish had not been eaten after all (well possibly one) and the new ones had coaxed them out of hiding! We think that they had been scared by the seagull/heron and had gone into a very good hiding place. It was amazing to think they were there all the time, as the water was quite clear and we had searched the pond several times! The nicest part of this story is that the new ones had become very friendly because they got used to us when they lived indoors and they have made all the others friendly too! We now have 23 or 24 fishes that come to the surface when we are there! Sweet!
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