Sunday 28 August 2011

True statements...

Nigel bought me this plaque for my birthday - cheek! Spent my birthday cleaning the house and all day Saturday baking for my cream tea!
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Saturday 27 August 2011

More of the great British summer

I looked out of the window and saw the brightness of the sun trying to overpower the black rain clouds rolling in - it is 5pm on an August afternoon, so it should be hot, not wet! I know summer is waiting until September AGAIN and I am not allowed to complain as it's the rough that goes with the smooth 6 weeks off. It's not funny though!

And then half an hour later...the rain won the battle but the sun did it's bit to create this beautiful rainbow!

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Friday 26 August 2011

Sunday 21 August 2011

John 15:13

In the light of the speculation that Flight Lieutenant Jon Egging was unable to save himself because he was avoiding an area of housing, I decided to put this picture on today as a tribute to him. John 15:13
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Saturday 20 August 2011

Shadow puzzle

I took this photo of Sue and myself, by holding my small Nikon Coolpix up and guessing where we might be in the centre. When I had taken it, Sue and I looked in the little screen on the back of the camera to check 'we looked ok'. We were in the bright sunshine and the screen was small and so we were having trouble determining how the picture looked. I could see my glasses and so worked out that we were positioned quite well, but we both couldn't work out what the 'black thing' was in the centre. It took us quite a while (blondes, remember) to work out that it was the camera! Yes, putting the camera up in front of the sun will actually make a shadow! I quite like the composition though!
P.S. Dad, if I send you the original, can you photoshop the shadow out as it is quite a nice snap of me and Sue!?
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Friday 19 August 2011

Bournemouth Air Display

After the flash floods that wiped out the air show yesterday, the local council put up signs warning the public about the possibility of health hazards due to the amount of pollution that ended up on the beach. Of course everyone stayed off the beach...

The Wing Walkers were fantastic - something I would love to have a go at! They put on a really excellent show

The Red Arrows were very much the highlight of the day - such skill by these pilots. They really were a pleasure to watch after arriving straight above where we happened to be standing. Awesome!!

Note added on Saturday 20th: We have just learned on the news that one of the pilots has been killed in a crash on the approach to Bournemouth Airport after the show today. We cannot believe it - I feel so sad for the pilot Flt Lt Jon Egging's family.

Thursday 18 August 2011

The great British summer

We ventured out to Castle Point to shop as it was 'raining'. We soon realised that the streets were in chaos due to flooding everywhere! The police were turning people around and so we also went home, where we remained trapped indoors! The rain was amazing - a bit like the monsoons of my childhood without the steaming humidity of the Hong Kong or Malaysian climates! Shame!
P.S. I cheated today - this was taken with Dad's iphone when he jumped out of the car, snapped it and got wet!
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Monday 15 August 2011

Friday 12 August 2011

Leeds Castle

This photo is showing an angry sky - it came over very black but it was the only point in the day that the sun wasn't out - we had a wonderful day at Leeds Castle!


Baby Hornbills - they were beautiful in an ugly sort of way. I want one!